All We Need Is Love

Can I just say that I am SO HAPPY that you have decided to get married. It’s awesome and you have made a really wonderful, exciting decision.

A little bit about me: I’m super open-minded when it comes to your ideas and passionate about people having a ceremony that is theirs and theirs alone. Outside of the legal requirements we don’t have to tick any particular boxes – in the 8+ years I’ve been doing this that has been something that the majority of my clients don’t even realise. So let's talk about embracing any traditions you might love and feel are really relevant to you as a couple, or lets discuss how we can turn the whole notion of what a wedding ceremony looks like on its head. On your wedding day you have such a brief moment in time to talk about what is essentially going to be a lifetime of love, we should make it count!

NB: When enquiring after a legals only ceremony (ie just the minimum wording and paperwork) please note that you need to submit a form called the Notice of Intended Marriage to me a minimum of ONE MONTH prior to completing the rest of the paperwork.
$550 Cost (From)
3 Endorsements




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